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Thriving Edge e-Workbook

This is the place to leave your comments and questions about my e-workbook called

If you haven’t heard about it or haven’t signed up for your complimentary copy yet, just click the image above to get more information. If you arrived here already knowing about the e-workbook and want to sign up to receive it, just put your name and e-mail in the form below.

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This workshop in an e-book is designed to help people who want to take their ideas and make them real. It’s not an easy process. In fact, sometimes it’s really hard. But it’s definitely possible.

These 10 power sources will help you generate the energy you need to move forward and keep going. When you get stuck – and you will! – they are your resources to overcome obstacles, pull yourself out of the mud, climb out of the rut, or break free of the box.

What thoughts do you have as you read through and do the exercises? How has it helped you so far?

What questions do you have? I want to help you apply these ideas to yourself and your circumstances so you can take charge of your life, accomplish your big goals, and bring your ideas to life.