Category Archives: Trailblazing Media


I’ve noticed a theme in the self-employment blogosphere and ezineosphere lately.

Is ezineosphere even a word? It is now!

The common message from several business consultants, marketing experts, and coaches is…

Don’t do it yourself!

I’ve read a lot of posts and articles lately on the importance of getting help with some tasks so you’re free to shine you’re beautifully shiny shine in other tasks.

Makes sense. Except when it doesn’t.

I just spent a frustrating few hours – maybe three or four cumulative over the past twenty-four – wrangling with my autoresponder to send out my latest newsletter. It may be that there were updates to the system that I have to get used to. It may be that I haven’t sent out a newsletter since we were in the long hot siege of endless days over 100 degrees. But it was pretty d@*&!# hard to get everything right this time.

The last hurdle, or hassle, I had to overcome had me stumped so I had to call customer support. The guy reminded me I didn’t pay for a support package, but he helped me anyway (thanks, dude), because my problem was:

“I can’t send my newsletter!”

Turns out there’s something glitchy in the way the editor panel deals with HTML code when you paste it in. The hard line breaks disappear, and then the system warns you that your HTML lines are too long. It takes your breaks and then says YOU screwed up!

Did you just get confused by that last paragraph? Then I’m doing well making my point. You see, after these hassles, one suggestion would be for me to hire someone to take my words and format my e-mail and send it out. But if I did that, I wouldn’t understand why there was a problem or know how to prevent it in the future.

Other than my insatiable curiosity wondering how things work, I could probably be fine outsourcing my newsletter publication. Okay, probably not fine, but I think I could handle it. The thing is, I work with a lot of solo entrepreneurs and I have lots of colleagues who are solo entrepreneurs. I help people learn how to do basic marketing things so they can use the confidence that comes from new skills to stand up to their fear and uncertainty.

I coach and train around the theme of Trailblazing, for goodness sake! That’s about being adaptable and flexible, ready to take on new challenges so you can take charge in your own life. While it’s possible for people to get help (or hire it) for all the areas of their projects and businesses they don’t know how to do, it’s more empowering to learn some new things along the way.

So I like being in charge of formatting and publishing my newsletter. That means when I’m talking to someone who wants to start a newsletter, I can talk about what I do. It’s not that advanced and it doesn’t involving hiring someone, which most people at the start-up phase aren’t ready to do.

And if I keep things simple enough that I can manage them, then I’ll be teaching self-employed people skills that are simple enough that they can manage them, too.

I do wonder if it’s a justification. Am I being too controlling, or maybe too cheap?

Could be! But mainly I want to be able to tell someone, “I know you can do this. Let me show you how.”

What do you think about hiring help versus doing things yourself? Join the conversation by leaving your comments.

Trailblazing Media July 7, 2011

Enjoy this week’s episodes of Trailblazing Media!

Trailblazing TV was simulcast with the first segment of Trailblazing Radio. Both shows are titled “Embrace Freedom.”

Here’s the introduction to the TV show:

“Simulcasting is hard work! This video performance is a little more raw than usual because it was recorded along with the first segment of Trailblazing Radio. The topic for both shows: What does it mean to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Beyond financial freedom, and beyond the freedom to quit a miserable job? Watch the episode and then go to for the second segment. And enjoy the behind-the-scenes look at the production of the radio show!”

It was surprisingly challenging to be recording the radio show and TV show at the same time. I use notes for the radio show to keep me on track, but I usually record the TV show with no script. Using the notes interrupted my comfort with the camera, and having the camera interrupted my connection with the microphone. That means it was a great new experience and a chance to learn!

Watch the TV episode here.

The first segment of Trailblazing Radio is the TV show, where I discuss how my beliefs about freedom guide my work and the way I serve people. In the second segment, not available on the TV show, I talk about how my beliefs around freedom guide my personal life and even my political views.

Politics? Yep. Questioning people’s political cheerleading has cost me Facebook friends, but I think political views are worth questioning and discussing.

Click here to listen and then leave a comment about what freedom means to you.

Since the featured resource for the radio show is the e-book Worklife Liberation, it’s a great time to remind you about the month of shows on Tapa Palapa on that same theme. Take the time to listen to all four of them in order, and enjoy the mix of light-hearted fun and serious discussion that co-host Francie Cooper and I include in each episode.

Click here for all the episodes on this topic.

I appreciate your comments. They let me know when my ideas are helpful and give me direction on ways to serve you better.

May you know the joy of sharing your strengths,

Steve Coxsey
The Trailblazing Coach (TM)

Trailblazing Media June 30, 2011

The Traveler isn’t published this week so I’m posting my Trailblazing Media updates here.

The latest episode of Trailblazing TV is available. It’s called “Experience is Earned.” Here’s the introduction:

“We don’t do something flawlessly from the beginning, again and again, and call that experience. Experience means facing challenges and tough times. It means struggling and experimenting and overcoming. When we do that things get messy. Crap piles up. So what should we do with all of it?”

I discovered after I recorded that I accidentally turned on HD recording in widescreen format. That means this episode has a 16:9 ratio and is a little less clear. I had to shrink the HD video to keep it within the size limits, but then Vimeo expanded it to fill the screen so the resolution isn’t as good as I would like. But that means – while recording a tip about the messiness of gaining experience, I was mucking along gaining experience – – accidentally!

To see the episode click here.

The latest episode of Trailblazing Radio takes a controversial stand on the Law of Attraction and what it seems to be missing – especially according to strong research on what it takes for people to accomplish their goals and get what they want.

Episodes of Trailblazing Radio are around 10 minutes long so you can listen easily on your computer or download a show to your iPod or other MP3 player and listen on your way somewhere. Leave a comment with your thoughts on the Law of Intention compared to the Law of Attraction.

Listen to this week’s episode by clicking here.

If you didn’t get a chance to hear each weekly episode of Tapa Palapa as it was produced the summer is a great time to catch up. Tapa Palapa is a little more light-hearted than Trailblazing Radio because of my effervescent co-host Francie Cooper. You’ll laugh as you listen and come away with some really useful ideas. Check out our monthly theme on the greater good, called “Life is Bigger Than You.”

Click here for all the episodes on this topic.

I appreciate your comments. They let me know when my ideas are helpful and give me direction on ways to serve you better.

My you know the joy of sharing your strengths,

Steve Coxsey
The Trailblazing Coach (TM)

Trailblazing Media June 23, 2011

The Traveler isn’t published this week so I’m posting my Trailblazing Media updates here.

The latest episode of Trailblazing TV is available. It’s called “Dwell in the Question.” Here’s the introduction:

“If you rush to come up with a solution you might skip over identifying the real problem. It’s a lot easier to rush to pick a solution to some problems than it is to saute and simmer in the frustrations and conflicts that define those problems. But that’s where you have to stay, discomfort and all, to get the question right.”

No, it’s not a screen test for a cooking show! It just seemed the best way to add a visual to the concept of immersing yourself in something and becoming aware of all the parts contributing to the sauce – err, conflict.

To see the episode click here.

Trailblazing Radio is filling the schedule while Tapa Palapa is on summer break. The latest episode is about another important resource you need to manage in your Trailblazing life – time.

The format of Trailblazing Radio allows me to focus on a narrow topic and give you a couple of useful tips. But it’s still a short program. The current episode is 10 minutes 15 seconds long.

Listen to this week’s episode by clicking here.

The summer break is a good time to catch up on past episodes of Tapa Palapa. It’s a little more light-hearted than Trailblazing Radio because of my effervescent co-host Francie Cooper, but it’s still full of useful ideas. I recommend that you listen to our shows on “Play is Serious Work” as we head into summer.

Click here for all the episodes on this topic.

I appreciate your comments. They let me know when my ideas are helpful and give me direction on ways to serve you better.

My you know the joy of sharing your strengths,

Steve Coxsey
The Trailblazing Coach (TM)