Category Archives: Travelcast

There Is A Season

Perhaps I’m unoriginal. Perhaps I’m obsessing and can’t let go of this thought. Perhaps I’m just perseverating (look that one up!). But the topic of flexibility has grabbed hold of my mind and demands to be heard.

For last week’s episode of Trailblazing TV I chose the topic “Practice Flexibility.” The tip is about ways to keep trying new approaches so you can stay adaptable.

A few days later I was talking with Francie Cooper, Life Coach, my friend and co-host of the Tapa Palapa internet radio show. We realized we were both thinking a lot about flexibility and adaptability. It was the theme showing up for our clients and it was the theme banging on the doors of our own lives. We decided to name our season finale show “Go Gumby!” and talk about ways to stay limber to prepare for changes, both expected and unexpected .

For this week’s episode of Trailblazing TV I had the topic chosen days in advance. It’s been a time of change in my world. A lot of people around me are going through significant transitions, some heading up and some heading down in their work lives or in their relationships. On top of that, my son graduated from his Montessori school, so he heads off to middle school in the fall. Sadly, it was the last year the school will operate because of changes in the community and a city street project that is going to take a big piece of the property.

These events leave me a little melancholy. To everything there is a season. But the positive side of that is the possibility for improvement and renewal that change brings. That’s why I called this week’s episode of Trialblazing TV “Everything’s A Play Project.” I realized as I was editing and formatting it that it’s a message about being flexible and adaptable, too.

With Tapa Palapa going on hiatus for the summer while Francie is busy with other projects, I started looking at ideas for recording a podcast of my own. I “dug through” my computer files and found the recording I made in November as a sort of pilot episode for a podcast. It was shortly after Francie and I had planned our first month of themed shows. I had suggested improvisation as a theme in our discussion. We decided to go with a different theme so I wanted to capture my thoughts on the value of improvisation. Improvisation, of course, is about flexibility and adaptability.

For me that’s full circle. As Francie and I were starting our first season of Tapa Palapa, I had improvisation on my mind. As we finished up, we both had flexibility and adaptability on our minds. We ended where we began. Since things have beginnings and endings, we all need to be ready for change.

You can listen to my “Twisting Road Travelcast” by clicking the triangle below, or chose to play it in a separate window or download it to your computer. If you use an iPod or other MP3 player, that’s the way to get the file so you can transfer it to your device.
In the show I talked about a video interview by John Williams, author of Screw Work, Let’s Play!. If you click here to go to the original post of the podcast you can see that video.

I also mentioned an e-book I was formatting. It contains ten of the most surprisingly good (surprising to me!) articles I wrote for people new to marketing. They reduce the concepts into everyday language that marketing newbies can understand. I finished it shortly after recording the podcast and put everything in place so I could start giving it to anyone who signed up for my newsletter. That’s the standard thing to do – give away something to entice people to give you their e-mail addresses.

But to everything there is a season. I’m not doing the standard thing any more. I decided to do the Trailblazing thing. I’m giving it away with no strings. You don’t have to sign up for anything. Just go to and you can download it there. If you decide to sign up for my newsletter while you’re there I certainly won’t mind!


Last Tuesday I met with Francie Cooper, my co-host of the Tapa Palapa podcast. We met to plan our schedule of topics and record an episode.

I suggested a topic, and although we decided on a different theme, that topic kept showing up. It was so adamant I decided to capture it myself and share it as a Twisting Road™ Travelcast recorded on my phone.

I’m trying to get a feel for ten-minute podcasts, but I didn’t look at a clock or watch for this one so it’s just over twelve minutes. Still should be easy to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, iPod, or phone.


In the podcast I mention John Williams of Screw Work Let’s Play fame. I reference a video of his interview with improvisational comedian Neil Mullarkey, which you can see below.

I also mention the fre-e-book (fr*ee e-book) I’m preparing to offer. I still have to finish formatting it, learn the settings to upload it to my autoresponder, and get all the code in the right places to offer it. Learning as I go!

Neil Mullarkey – 25 years without a script from John Williams on Vimeo.

What, Am I Nuts?

A fellow coach and I are working on a project together. We plan to start posting a weekly podcast in January. It’s forcing us to think through a lot of things — content ideas, topics, format, marketing, logistics, technology — and we’re having a blast.

Since I’m heading to the Joyfully Jobless Jamboree in Austin next week I decided to take on a project to help me get experience with the technology. I’ll be recording audio updates and hopefully talking with attendees and recording those conversations. I plan to take time to upload audio files while I’m there so the attendees can enjoy this added component and those of you who aren’t there can enjoy the celebration.

I will even take my video camera and see if I can record and upload some video to the “Twisting Road Traveler” YouTube channel.

Like I won’t already be busy with the Jamboree! What, am I nuts?